Our Story

Imagine this: it’s the start of 2020. You’re putting the finishing touches on your upcoming spring wedding—finalizing the dinner menu, picking up the wedding bands, choosing the perfect pair of heels. You’ll be tying the knot on a carefully chosen auspicious date that has great sentimental value.


That’s the story of one of officiants. It may be your story, too. Fortunately for him, after much research he still managed to hold a socially-distanced, legal ceremony (with the real celebrations still yet to come!).

That experience planted a seed in our minds that blossomed in N95 Nuptials.

We realized that in a time of crisis, people always go back to the basics - they strip away the extras and focus only on the essentials. What we offer to you is a high-quality wedding service that gives you all the “essentials” at an affordable rate.

All of our marriage officiants are fully licenced to officiate or solemnize marriages anywhere in the Province of Ontario. When you connect with one of our officiants, they will provide you with their qualifications. You can also verify their name in the database of registered religious marriage officiants maintained by the Registrar General of Ontario.

We trust you to know what’s best for your wedding. Trust us to deliver what you need to make it happen.

Wondering if the Ontario-wide shutdown starting on Boxing Day will affect your wedding plans? Check out our latest blog post and send us a message with your questions!


Get in touch with us.